Smoking prevention among people of color

Medi Mondays Smoking prevention among people

Join popular WJNI radio host Terry Base, The Medi’s Garcia Williams, and Dr. Phillip S. Gardiner, co-chair and co-founder of the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council, for a conversation about the social determinants of health! On Monday morning, Dr. Gardiner will discuss how partners like The Medi and community leaders are making a difference […]

Healthcare quality in communities of color

Medi Mondays Healthcare quality in communities of color

Join popular WJNI radio host Terry Base, The Medi’s Garcia Williams, and Sidney Nelson, III, MD, chief medical officer at The Medical Home Development Group in Washington, DC, for a conversation about the social determinants of health! On Monday morning, Dr. Nelson discussed how, for people of color, the quality and effectiveness of their medical […]

How the stress & isolation of COVID are affecting people in recovery from addiction

Medi Mondays How the stress isolation of COVID

Join popular WJNI radio host Terry Base, The Medi’s Garcia Williams, and Johnny W. Allem, founder and president of Aquila Recovery Clinic in Washington, DC, for a conversation about the social determinants of health! Listen in below as Johnny discusses how and why the stress and isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic are presenting enormous challenges […]

Data analytics: the story behind the pandemic & its impact on our community

Medi Mondays Data analytics the story behind the pandemic its impact on our community

Join popular WJNI radio host Terry Base, The Medi’s Garcia Williams, and tech engineering powerhouse Joan Robinson-Berry for a conversation about the social determinants of health! On March 1, 2021, Joan shared her insights on the value of data analytics in our efforts to protect our community during this pandemic and beyond. A survey recently […]

Protecting your psychological health during COVID-19

Medi Mondays Protecting your psychological health during COVID 19

Join popular WJNI radio host Terry Base, The Medi’s Garcia Williams, and Dr. Stephen McLeod-Bryant, for a conversation about the social determinants of health! On Monday morning, Dr. McLeod-Bryant led an open and honest discussion of the impact of COVID-19 on our psychological health and provide tips on coping strategies. Listen in below. According to Center […]

The COVID-19 vaccine and the African American community: fact & fiction

Medi Mondays The COVID 19 vaccine and the African American community fact fiction

Join popular WJNI radio host Terry Base, The Medi’s Garcia Williams, and Dr. Paula Orr, founder of a 20-year-old preventative and alternative health practice for women, for a conversation about the social determinants of health! On Monday morning, Dr. Orr will discuss the myths that are keeping some members of the Black community from obtaining […]

It’s time to stop the spread of the deadliest virus in US history

Medi Mondays Its time to stop the spread

Join popular WJNI radio host Terry Base, The Medi’s Garcia Williams, and Anton Gunn, one of the world’s leading authorities on socially conscious leadership, to listen in on a conversation about the social determinants of health! On February 8, Anton challenged each of us to examine our perspective on this pandemic: What are you going […]

The impact of social determinants of health on COVID vaccinations of the under-served

Medi Mondays The impact of social determinants

Join popular WJNI radio host Terry Base, The Medi’s Garcia Williams, and Dr. Walter Egerton, chief medical officer of Saint Agnes Medical Center in Fresno, California, for a conversation about the social determinants of health! On February 1, they discussed the impact of social determinants of health on COVID-19 vaccinations. Listen in below! ​Raleigh, North […]

Solutions for survival: social media, streaming platforms, & multiple generations

Medi Mondays Solutions for survival social media

Join popular WJNI radio host Terry Base, The Medi’s Garcia Williams, and the Rev. Dr. Krystal Sears, for a conversation about the social determinants of health! On Monday morning, January 25, they discussed ways to use technology to engage multiple generations – something Rev. Dr. Sears helped pioneer in her field – without drowning them […]